Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Now this is why I use a mac

Photos taken from gizmodo

Long story short, the dreaded windows Blue Screen of Death - or BSoD as we geeks call it made an unwelcome appearance during the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympic games. I think it's hilarious that despite the cost of the program reaching tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars, Microsoft still manages to stuff up.

Steve Jobs must be ROFLing his arse off.


Lucy said...

lol thats hilarious.

I have only seen parts of the olympics and by parts I mean I have only seen sports with team USA in it. Bleh. The kids chant USA! USA! USA! in the dining hall and thats annoying while you are trying to enjoy your lunch.

P.S. We should goss! hehe.

My name is Aaron said...

LOL juan i have not checked your ur blog for so long.

HAHAH blue screen of death!!