Thursday, June 19, 2008

I just don't know what to do with myself

Oh Em Gee. I am so bored.

So I'm in my mid year break, all my assignment's been handed in and I haven't any exams so I can rest and take it easy. Now at the same time, there's been a bit of a rough patch at work - due to cut backs in budget, my hours at work have been curtailed, well for the while anyway and so I'm left with a LOT of time on my hands (but not a lot of money).

So I've been spending A LOT of time at home, incredibly bored.

There have been a few things that have been keeping me entertained - I've recently acquired 33 extremely cheap HD-DVDs so I've been watching some of that. I've also been playing Metal Gear Solid 4 on my PS3 which has kept me up until the wee hours of the morning. But apart from that, nada. Not only that, I've been eating so much crap and I'm pretty sure a lot of eating and not a lot of action is not very good for you.

So what am I to do? I dunno...

Any suggestions would be great, thanks.

Take it away Dusty Springfield

1 comment:

My name is Aaron said...

juan! nice banner

gotta love the random ninja. would've helped if you had flames though. LOL