Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Americas Most Hated Family

I watched something really, really upsetting a few nights back. It was a documentary created by the BBC called "Americas Most Hated Family". It was a fly-on-the-wall look into the workings of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC). These people are best known for picketing the funeral services of fallen military men/women of the United States Armed Forces.

They are best known here in Australia as the people who planned to picket (or did picket - I'm not too sure) Heath Ledgers funeral because of his support and portrayal of a gay character in Brokeback Mountain.

Essentially, these people are the biggest homophobes in the planet. They believe that America is doomed because of their stance on the whole LGBT issue. In short, they believe things like 9/11, fallen soldiers, or pretty much anything bad happening in the USA is caused by God punishing America for their "support" of homosexuals. Sounds crazy right?

What really, really upsets me most is that they use God as a way to enforce their agenda, and in this particular case, hate. "God Hates America", "Thank God for Dead Soldiers", "Thank God for 9/11" and "God Hates Fags" are just some of the incredibly creative sayings they have on their signs. Upsetting thing is they use the Bible to back up these statements and goes to show how open ended the Bible is for people to back up their claims. Pretty much, if you have whatever agenda, chances are you can construe some random quote from the Bible to give your agenda some backbone.

This CULT is a prime example of how people can be so deluded by their myopic view of the world. How can someone be so filled with hate that they at any chance they get go and picket any sort of event that condones national pride? I really do hope that these people can take a real good look at themselves and see that they have all been taken for a ride by false pretenses set by their "ring leader", the poor lost soul that he is.

It's a shame that religion these days have taken away the primary focus of it being one's own spiritual belief, or relationship with this greater being called "God". Instead, it has become this huge machine fuelled by agenda and propaganda. Instead of being a cohesive entity within our society, it has forced us to form groups that have socially constructed boundaries, which in turn divide us.

I know it is not all churches that do this, I know a lot that do promote equality and peace to mankind. It's just some of the few, like these people that give it such a bad name.

Please watch this and tell me that this doesn't fire you up:

Sad, huh? There are plenty more on YouTube if you search. The best ones are the backlash protests done by people against the WBC.

"That black scarf doesn't cover your red neck!" Hilarious!


Lucy said...

these people make me sick. bitch needs a slap.

i don't agree with the people protesting at their rallies... although the "i'm a douche" speech bubble was pretty creative.

ugh. it's times like these i'm glad we live in oz. haha.

My name is Aaron said...

she looks like those long haired heavy metal guys.

i think she thinks she's living in jesus times. hence her appearance.

Anonymous said...

i think its pathetic how they will say thank god for 9/11 and say its the wrath of god but i say its the wrath of mankind and she needs to get a life