Monday, February 26, 2007

So back to University I go...

Uni starts tomorrow. OMG. Dunno why, but I'm shitting myself.


Probably because my last experience at Uni was just damn awful.


Ok, I was just so miserable - not because I was doing crap in my studies, actually quite the contrary, I was doing way good. But moreso the social aspect of it all. I hate to say it, but I was a nigel. There, I said it. I fricken was.

For those of you not in Aussieland, a nigel is someone who flounders around about by themself. In other words, a loner. Sad but true.

Why? I have no fricken idea why.

I remember those days, eating at the cafeteria, by myself, waiting for the next lecture/tutorial. God those days were awful. Saying that though, I could honestly say that it's the only time in my life I was in such a socially inept situation.

High school was no problem, I was known. For goodness sakes I even got the "Boyz II Men award" in year 12 because everyone knew me as the singer HA!

Last two years in TAFE has been awesome, I've met some really cool people within those two years. I've been mixing and mingling with people out of that environment and it's been great.

It probably didn't help that last time I went to Uni, I was a fat shit with big hair and braces. I looked like a fatter male version of that 'Ugly Betty' chick, seriously it was pretty bad. I look at my student ID card back then and it looks like someone used a fish-eye lens and blew my head up with a ton of fat. I looked happy but, but that was only to hide all the pain I felt inside LOL HAHA

Well, I don't think it would be so bad this time around, I'll make sure that I be more pro active this time around. I think I'm more mature, more confident and more importantly, more damn sexier...

BWAHAHAHAHA damn, I kill myself sometimes...


Oh shoosh, you!


Anonymous said...


Juan, you should be a journalist or something, and write in that "sunday" magazine that comes in the telegraph. your making blogs cool again ;) your bringing blogging back.

- bakes.

Lucy said...

haha juanus, bring sexy back to uni.

good luck with it all and finish it so we can meet in america! haha


herrrreeeeees Crisa! said...

"It probably didn't help that last time I went to Uni, I was a fat shit with big hair and braces. I looked like a fatter male version of that 'Ugly Betty' chick, seriously it was pretty bad. I look at my student ID card back then and it looks like someone used a fish-eye lens and blew my head up with a ton of fat. I looked happy but, but that was only to hide all the pain I felt inside LOL HAHA"


i really need to meet u one day MEOW loool i just read ur other posts couldnt really be fucked to comment on the rest....

ive never been nigelated at school *ahem ahem* its the cool kid in me, but my parents always seem to be impressed with the friends I bring home, even tho most of them are fresh out of a mental ward. I get along with people thinking that they are crazy LOl

Anonymous said...

hi, this is totally random but i can totally relate to your "Ugly Betty" comparison! i too was carrying around some "excess baggage" when my picture was taken for my student card! i've finished uni now but i had to carry that fugly picture of myself for the past three years LOL! anyway goodluck with uni, i'm sure you'll make some great friends this time around - you seem too funny!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Juwanna-man. Its Laz (Used to work with you at EB Games before i left because i found out u didn't put out...)

I know what you mean about being alone at Uni. It's hard. But what i've found is that either people are in the same situation as i am i.e. they are just as nervous and scared as me or the exact opposite, they are 3rd or 4th years students coming back and they are friendly and more than happy to help. I'd like to consider myself a little more confident, socially outgoing, and perhaps just that wee-bit smarter than the average bear =), so my advice to you is be that second year student (Or third or fourth or whatever it is you are you ancient bastard) that sees someone and is like "Hey... what's up?". It's all about being warm and friendly aye? Anyways that's the way i go about it. Everybody sees me as the social butterfly.. but really.. i'm not.. i'm just a poor black man who craves attention. I'm an attention seeking whore. But in the process, it's ensured that i'm NEVER EVER Lonely.

So i guess the morale of the story is, whoever you see. If you feel like talking to them, just go do it. You can usually tell who the first year students are because they are lost and oblivious to their environment, and have a lost blank facial expression. Go help them out, they will think your that much cooler:

Me: How are you finding you're first year?
Her/him: Umm.. actually.. where's building BB
Me: Haha you know what, i'm on my way there... you can keep my company. What's your name?
Her/Him: I'm "Cute blonde with big boobs"
Me: Hey nice to meet you "Cute Blonde with big Boobs"! I'm Larry! So what i usually find is...

I mean even if they aren't first year students, my trick is just to assume that everyone's first year...-

Me: How are you finding you're first year?
Her: Umm.. actually i'm in my 5th year.
Me: Oh awesome! That's like a whole 4 years above that i guessed. I'm in my second year doing visual comms, and i've found that i have a real passion for photography. I totally suck at it, but i enjoy it like a fat kid enjoys a hamburger. What's your passion?
Her: Umm i dunno... I like swimming.
Me: I can't swim. I never learnt how. When will you teach me?
Her: Haha well i don't know if i'm qualified to teach you
Me: Well i'm pretty sure your qualified to not let me drown. Imagine having my death on your guilty concience =) What's your name?
Her: Nat
Me: Hey Nat i'm Larry.
*We make out*

Haha. No but seriously. Use that assumption to talk to anybody and everybody. Even that little cute girl at the cafeteria i know you've been oggling ;-)

Play safe and keep social Juan.

Much love-