Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A blog out of boredom...

Oh God. I am so bored.

I haven't got a car because my dad borrowed it so he can take his car in for some detailing. So he's using it for work, I'm stuck at home incredibly bored as for the next two days or so. I did not realise how boring being home alone can be. I can just feel time wasting away and I feel so incredibly shitty at the end of the day. Here's the breakdown:

- I was on the computer for a good four hours or so. Either checking out my myspace, watching episodes of Heroes and Idol, blogging (of course), blog hopping, forum posting, car researching and well um... watching erm... educational stuff LOL

- I ate five times today. I ate: muesli for brekkie, tuna for lunch, chinese pork buns for afternoon snack, pigged out on some ice cream about an hour later, and some fish for dinner.

- I realised I've gained a good kilo since Sept last year. Yes, I am a fat shit.

- I slept about a good 3 hours today. Had a strange dream. Dreamt that I was sitting at the back of a airplane and an explosion and consequent fire broke out in the rear of the plane and these tribal African people came out of the back and started doing a tribal dance around the plane, entertaining everyone while we were plunging to our deaths. Weird huh?

- I even put the karaoke machine on and sang such classics as Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman by Bryan Adams; End of the Road, On Bended Knee by Boyz II Men; Let's Stay Together by Al Green and an amazing rendition of Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elvis. I gave the performance of my life, too bad no one was there to witness it. Damn.

- Played some Warioware on the Nintendo Wii. Really weird game, the guys who made it must have been on crack or something...

- Oh and just for the record I took a shower, brushed my teeth and did a poo. Actually, in the reverse order.

I guess it's the same deal tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Quan, u are hilarious...hahaha

so how educational were the shows/movies? haha...

- love bakes