Sunday, June 29, 2008

Not bored any longer

Hello all

I've actually been pretty busy as of late. Hours at work have picked up again and so I'm happy about that. It seems like my efforts there has been majorly appreciated. My boss even went so far to say something along the lines of "hang in there, I'd really like to hold on to people that deserve to be here," which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Apart from that just a few things that I have done and would like to share with you guys. I've been keeping myself entertained thoroughly so I'm pretty happy. Just a few things that have kept me occupied apart from work and the odd social event:

Videogames - Oh my gosh, I have just completed Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS3. Let me tell you this- this game is EPIC. It is honestly one of the best games I've ever played like, ever. I had never been so glued infront of the screen in years. Everything about the game is ace - from the first-rate graphics to the amazing storyline and gameplay. Sure, the cutscenes in between may have been long but I didn't mind them one second. A must have for all those who own a PS3.

Theatre- I've never really seen a lot of theatre before but my mum got free tickets to a musical called the altar boys. You know what? I actually enjoyed it. I thought it was gonna be some all out camp event - and fair enough and some parts it was, in the end I didn't even care. It was just some really silly take on the whole evangelical christian movement type of thing so yeah, pretty entertaining it was. If the show is playing in your city, I recommend you watch it.

Music - I'm really getting into a whole lot of these great artist coming from the UK. I don't know whats happening over there but I'm liking it. People I'm digging right now include Jamie Lidell, Duffy, Mark Ronson and I'm really digging the new Coldplay album.

Movies - I haven't really seen much in terms of seeing something in the cinemas. But as per a previous blog, I've been going all out in acquiring HD-DVDs and Blu Rays at an alarming rate. And because of that I've been watching some amazing movies: Blood Diamond, Casino, Cloverfield and Ratatouille just to name a few. I think I have a new calling in life, and that's to be a movie buff.

Anyway that's all from me for now. And please congratulate me for writing this entire blog using my iPod.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I just don't know what to do with myself

Oh Em Gee. I am so bored.

So I'm in my mid year break, all my assignment's been handed in and I haven't any exams so I can rest and take it easy. Now at the same time, there's been a bit of a rough patch at work - due to cut backs in budget, my hours at work have been curtailed, well for the while anyway and so I'm left with a LOT of time on my hands (but not a lot of money).

So I've been spending A LOT of time at home, incredibly bored.

There have been a few things that have been keeping me entertained - I've recently acquired 33 extremely cheap HD-DVDs so I've been watching some of that. I've also been playing Metal Gear Solid 4 on my PS3 which has kept me up until the wee hours of the morning. But apart from that, nada. Not only that, I've been eating so much crap and I'm pretty sure a lot of eating and not a lot of action is not very good for you.

So what am I to do? I dunno...

Any suggestions would be great, thanks.

Take it away Dusty Springfield

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

You know you've had a good day when...

You had a nice nights sleep and wake up all nice and fresh.

You fill up for gas and because of a mistake at the station, you end up paying 72cents a litre (or $2.50 a gallon for those in the US). Not just that, it was premium petrol, and not just premium - but 98RON premium, i.e the expensive one.

You get to campus early and get one assignment finished and hand another one in.

You head home early, take a bit of a nap get up and finish a pretty well constructed essay in record time.

You've realised you've just completed your semester and can now officially enter holiday mode.

And, the Pièce de résistance: You finish your assignments just in time to watch House.


Monday, June 02, 2008

You know you've had a bad day when...

You wake up at 4am because your stomach is cramping up, feeling like your insides want to burst out of your anus.

You get up to go to the toilet, do your thing, return to bed, only to find that same cramping feeling happening all over again. So you go back to the toilet and have the same thing happen once or twice more.

You try to get to bed, but can't sleep because your mind is already racing about assignments that are due that day, and are not entirely complete yet. Mind you, this is about 5 am in the morning.

After tossing and turning in bed for a few hours, you decide you've had enough and head off to University early so that you can get all your assignments done once and for all. So you take the 40 minute car trip from one end of Sydney to the other, and spend $10+ worth of freeway tolls.

You get to campus, fire up a computer, insert your USB drive only to find that the assignment that you were working on last night is NOT on your drive, but is still on your desktop at home.

After internally cussing yourself out, you decide to take the trek back home, spending another two 40 minute trips, using $40 worth of gas and another $20+ in freeway tolls.

You get back, realise you only have minutes to complete two assignments. So you start to stress and get a little restless, but eventually get there.

Yes, my friends, this is what has just happened to me today. But I'm glad that I came out of it rather unscathed - minus some weight off my shoulders. Only one more assignment to go and it's just a little essay so it's all good.